Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My 1st blog... pop me easy folks I don't want this to hurt !

    Angel , my BFF 4-ever, talked me into blogging.You will come to realize that Angel has talked me into many,many things. Some of them that got me into ... ummm,interesting situations; and some that got us both in hot water. But what are true friends for, right? If ya don't know her, please head on over to her blog. She is a total hoot. Ok a little about me. I am severely dyslexic so if something looks a little hinky - blame it on Angel, it's angelspeak and has nothing to do with my dyslexia... 
   I have 3 beautiful daughters. They are 18,12 and 9. I know that is odd names for children,but it is fun this way. They change every year. My twelve-year-old  is my yougun from another mother. She is my little woman... twelve going on thirty-two. She is so in love with Edward Cullen. She whimpers every time she sees a pic of Robert Patterson ... what does that say about me that I know the guys real name....hmmmmm. My 18-year-old has Aspberger's and bi-polar disorder.She writes computer programs like I write my name.It is just that easy for her;she amazes me. And then there is the 9-year-old. She is a total Diva. We are talking Lights,Camera,DRAMA! There are days when all 3 of them get going on the hormonal roller coaster and I feel like Alice at the Mad Hatter's tea party .We are positively mad... but all the best people are.

   Then there is my hubby- my magic clown. Sometimes he is so surrounded by females - even the dogs and cat are femmes - that he starts to drown in estrogen. I figure a good  dowsing ,every once in awhile, is healthy for his perspective on life. But he takes all in stride. He is an electrician after all... He can make anything out of nothing and nothing out of anything. He is a mighty man of God and the love of my life - second only to God. And I praise God everyday for my boomerang - love. That needs explaining I suppose. I tried 3 times to throw My hubby away. I made him leave. I  was horrible to him. I even divorced him in his darkest hour. And he came back, 3 times; despite seeing me at my ugliest, he still loved me. I took the hint from God that He had brought us together and no man ,Or crazed woman , shall tear us apart.

 I let go and let God and the path of my life became so much clearer.

   But hey that is enough back ground stuff... unless you want to ask me a question. Go ahead and ask, I don't bite... too hard.

     Me surrounded by my girls


Unknown said...

HOly cow Autumn has grown since I last saw her.. No wonder Dan is cleaning the shotgun lol..

Missy said...

Welcome to Blogger! It's really fun and there are so many types of blogs to enjoy from others here in the Blogosphere.

Adoption of Jane said...

So glad to meet you! I am Angels Bloggy BFF (even if she doesn't know it, thats my title dang it!). What a cute pic! My youngest is 3 1/2 and is Autistic. Looking forward to blogging with you! Oh by the way my name is Jane.