Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have felt awful all evening

I have been feeling very ... unwell all evening. Then while I was helping Ash clean her room, a terrible migraine came upon me. I got dizzy, disoriented and light-headed within minutes of that migraine hitting me. I just felt awful. My BFF, Angel, called me during that  odd episode and I vaguely remember speaking to her. But it felt like I  was fighting through a thick veil just to hear what she was saying. Then I was out for like 20 minutes. I thought I had been out for hours but then I saw the clock and realized that I had only passed out for a little while. I got up and ate an egg(protein )so I could take an ibuprofen. Then my big dumb butt got in the shower... Have you ever done something kinda dumb and then wonder what got into you? I was still dizzy and light-headed and I got into the shower.YEP! I fell down in the shower tonight and hurt myself very much badly. I hit my shoulder, my knees, and my head ( that really helped that migraine... NOT). I also hurt my back and hips. I am a big ole mess of screaming pain right now and I can't sleep.
 O I almost forgot to mention my dear hubby running to the rescue - then laughing at me. He really needs to find a more constructive way of handling stress and fear OR he needs to fix his sense of humor. I saw nothing funny in the situation AND I told him that. He just laughed at me more and told me that I looked like an angry little girl. To give him credit though he got wet helping me up ,rinsing me off and getting me out of the tub and he never said a word about it . But he is still a meanie poopoo head for laughing at me ;)


Unknown said...

ahem what happened to going to the ER?? and tell meanie poopoo head I said to grow up or I will have to make some of his body parts disappear like magic and I won't bring themn back