Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas time is here

Here are the pics of the tree and of Tigger. O and I wanna send a big THANK YOU to Angel for keeping me warm earlier this week. Your couch sleeps like poop but I sure appreciate all you did for us! Love ya GF. Here are those pics:

Ok. As I said Tigger has seen better days... His wing has been broken off for years, I don't remember when his horn broke off. His head and his tail have been (re)glued onto his body... But how many 18-year old ornaments do you have in Pristine condition??? Besides it isn't how he looks , it is all the memories that come with him...

My Christmas wish is that each and every one of you are happy and you find that you can appreciate the  holidays a little more because you have someone who loves you by your side.