Monday, September 27, 2010


Insomnia sucks! I don't suffer from it as often as I used to , but on the rare occasion that I can't snuggle down in my nice warm bed next to my loudly snoring hubby, it wreaks havoc on my  entire day/night. Usually i have the exact opposite problem . I am tired all the time and I sleep alot because fibromyalgia brings chronic fatigue over to play . I can't find a happy medium. Either I sleep too much or I don't sleep at all. Thank God for coffee. If it weren't for coffee, my 9-yr-old would never go to school because her Mom wouldn't get out of bed to get her there. If it wasn't for coffee my bi-polar child would have free run of the house without having to take her meds... Uhmmmmmmm, not happening in this life. And my hubby wouldn't have his clothes ironed ever. I iron when i can't sleep. And there is a definite difference in just not being able to sleep and the evil of insomnia. With insomnia , you can be so tired you desperately want to sleep but the sand man has forgotten your address. Laying there in the bed wishing for sleep because I can't sleep is the worst kind of torture. Then when dinner is about done,and I need to set the table OR when dinner is over and the 9-yr-old needs a shower... That is when the crash comes. Dinner is burnt , the youngun is smelly and I am out of order on the couch oblivious to every thing around me. That is when I rely on the competence of my hubby. He will supply or salvage dinner, He will set the temp in the shower, He will drag my butt to the bed if I am snoring too loud on the couch. But for now there is no crash in sight. And I get to use all this strange energy to for housework  which isn't getting done because I decided now would be a good time ( @ 2:15 a.m. ) to let my creative juices pour out in a blog.And since I think they are cute here is what my family looks like sleeping... Well not Danny if I posted a pic of him sleeping that may be ammunition for retaliation.

The drama princess ...
 They are sharing the keyboard shelf.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Been a long time

I enjoy blogging when I can convince myself that my thoughts need to be placed in a blog for anyone to see. I enjoy my privacy a lot. And I was raised that I should shut up until my presence was required But my opinion never mattered. That's why my girls have grown into opinionated blather mouths LOL. No really I love their freedom in thought and sharing what is on their minds. As I am raising my girls I am constantly reminded of how different our up-bringing is and how much happier they are. I listen to what they  have to say- even when they are just being silly; because I know if I don't listen to them every time, I may miss something important. Teenagers speak in code. Well actually so do tweens, but the teen code has evolved into a more intricate weave of jumbly-squeak. My autistic teen (like every teens I am told) speaks in puzzles and codes and apologetic mush almost all of the time now. Aspie princess is 18 but her emotional maturity is that of a 14-year old. I have a feeling that she will have to go through every phase of life twice before she overcomes that particular milestone. That's okay if we (and i mean I will be there every step of the way every time) have to travel the same worn and weary paths 5 or 15 times as long as Aspie princess is continuing to improve I will listen to her and laugh with her and take care of her. Then there is my tweens - for the purpose of simplicity from this point forward Ash will be tween 1 and Aut will be tween 2 (kinda like thing one and thing two only A LOT more distructive). Tween 1 is in a constant state of drama. This is a serious case of love the child , hate the deed, at times. I loathe drama I like for my little world to be as calm as I can get it with bipolar aspie princess around. But I must admit that the Aspie princess has improved greatly since they started her on lithium. All the other meds had her raging constantly. And now that the stress levels have lowered to a dull hum , the drama was wildly reduced until Tween one and Tween two started back to school. Everything is a dramatic event in tween 1's life. Homework can cause an upheaval of epic proportion. Tween 2 has a new boyfriend every two weeks ... I am caught in a episode of All My Children and all I can do is laugh. I know we have to sound very silly to the neighbors sometimes. This weekend tween 2 was here for her visit (she lives with her Mom , I am the Other-Mother) . Out came the make-up and nail polish, the glitter and goop - tween 1 and tween 2 exploded all over my house. Aspie princess piled right in with them... she's been doing that a lot lately. After they put on enough shellac for a Jan Crouch /Tammy Faye Baker make-up special, out came the barbies. Now both tweens and the Aspie princess have outgrown Barbies ,But They still love to do the hair and change the dresses. Within 3 hours that bedroom was covered from corner to corner with make-up, hair bows, and half naked Barbies. And I had to ruin all the fun by telling them to clean up their mess. I love being a mom to 3 great girls , I love being a wife to my wonderful husband. I praise God for my family and all his blessings on me everyday.

There they are... Aren't they all just wonderful !